2025 KMTA Composer Commission

Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) is dedicated to encouraging the creation of new works by American composers and annually assists its affiliated state associations with the generation and performance of new music through the national Composer Commissioning program. Each year, the Kentucky Music Teachers Association (KMTA) board selects one composer from the region to write a commissioned work for performance at their annual state conference.  Selected composers earn a shared commission fee of $1,500 from MTNA/KMTA.  In addition, KMTA will fund a year’s membership in both organizations for the selected composer.

Following the premier performance, the Kentucky commissioned work will be submitted to a panel of recognized composers who will select the MTNA-Shepherd Distinguished Composer of the Year from among all state commissioned works produced throughout the country that year. The winning work is presented in a concert performance at the next MTNA National Conference, and the composer is proclaimed the MTNA-Shepherd Distinguished Composer of the Year. 

Composers living/working in Kentucky or adjoining states are invited to apply. Preference will be given to Kentucky-affiliated composers. It is not necessary to be a member of KMTA or MTNA to apply.

The selected composer will be responsible for securing performer(s) for the premiere at the KMTA State Conference in October 2025 at Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights, Kentucky. Should your piece be chosen as the national winner among all 2025 MTNA commissioned works, you would also be obligated to present a performance at the national convention. There is a minimum duration of 7-8 minutes; recent commissioned works have averaged from 10-15 minutes. Commissioned composers from the last three years (2022-2024) should wait before reapplying.

Application Deadline: Dec. 1, 2024

Materials Needed:

1) Recordings and scores of three representative works. Recordings should be in mp3 format and scores in PDF format. Please remove your name or any other identifying information from your scores and recordings. Download links to large audio files are acceptable.*

2) In a separate PDF or Word document, please submit a short bio and a summary of your background and experience in composition (this information will not be shared with the adjudicators).* 

3) A one-page proposal/description of the type of work you would compose to fulfill the commission. This includes genre, instrumentation, approximate length, and the idea/ethos on which the composition is based.

*NOTE: Composers who have participated in the KMTA call for scores and/or annual KMTA Composers’ Concert within the past 5 years do NOT need to submit bios or sample scores.

Email your submission materials to: matthew.herman@wku.edu

A PDF of these requirements can be found here.